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What order do you decorate in?

What order do you decorate in?

If you put the wrong foot forward when painting a room, you could be creating more work for yourself. That’s why we’ve made a step by step guide on the right order for decorating your room.
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How to paint a wooden shed

How to paint a wooden shed

Painting the shed is the perfect solution if you're looking to reinvigorate your back garden. Here's a step-by-step guide to painting your wooden shed with no mistakes...
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Is it true? Are darker radiators more efficient?

Is it true? Are darker radiators more efficient?

There’s a school of thought that says that radiators should be painted in dark colours – ideally black – as they’re better at absorbing heat and will thus be more efficient. But is there any truth in this?
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Why are radiators traditionally located under windows?

Why are radiators traditionally located under windows?

Have you ever wondered why radiators are so often to be found placed under windows? It used to be necessity and now it’s more a matter of personal choice...
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How to paint a radiator using Little Knights Radiator Paint

How to paint a radiator using Little Knights Radiator Paint

Radiators are usually quite a large feature in a room but can get overlooked when you’re decorating. If yours is looking a bit tired and lets the room down, why not repaint rather than replace?
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Silver Cross collaboration: Becoming one of their interior advice experts

Silver Cross collaboration: Becoming one of their interior advice experts

After months of secrecy we are over the moon to finally be able to announce our latest collaboration with Silver Cross.
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How can a paint not be vegan?

How can a paint not be vegan?

Many of us put a lot of thought into the food we buy and the clothes we wear, and take care to make informed choices. Have you ever thought, though, about the paint you are using in your home and what goes into it?
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Can you paint while pregnant?

Can you paint while pregnant?

While it is recommended that you don’t undertake any hard physical DIY tasks when you are pregnant, mothers-to-be often can’t resist getting involved in a touch of decorating, maybe to finish off the nursery or the spare bedroom prior to the baby’s arrival, however is this safe for mum or the unborn baby?

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Free next day delivery - for one week only

Free next day delivery - for one week only

We’d like to remind you Little Knights paint is made exclusively in the UK, meaning you won’t experience any hidden duties, costs or fees. In fact, to put your mind at rest we are offering free next day delivery for one week only...
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The one where we proved 100% VOC-free paint is a real thing

The one where we proved 100% VOC-free paint is a real thing

It seems one or two of our fellow paint manufacturers took objection to our claim of being a “100% VOC-free paint” and made a complaint to the Advertising Standards Agency. Well, the egg is on their face because we won. And, so far as we are aware, we are the only paint manufacturer who has been able to make this claim and prove it...
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Why are skirting boards normally white?

Why are skirting boards normally white?

Skirting possibly isn’t something you have ever given a lot of thought to. After all, it sits well below eye level and doesn’t have the ‘wow factor’ of furniture and pictures, and we normally paint it white by default.
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Why you shouldn’t dry clothes on a radiator

Why you shouldn’t dry clothes on a radiator

Drying clothes in the winter can be a problem, particularly if you do not have access to a tumble dryer. If you have your central heating on now, you may be tempted to use your radiators as impromptu clothes dryers so as not to ‘waste the heat’.
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