Absorbs formaldehyde
Little Knights is a beautiful household paint that does more to protect your family than you ever thought a paint could do. Not only is it 100% zero VOC and antibacterial, Little Knights paint has another unique and incredible property – it helps to remove formaldehyde from the air.

Airborne chemicals in the home
As buildings are more tightly sealed to improve energy efficiency there is growing concern that indoor air is becoming increasingly polluted. Formaldehyde, a known carcinogen, is widely used in the manufacture of everyday household items such as flatpack furniture, carpets, curtains and insulation. It is slowly released into your home, becoming airborne and polluting the air that your family breathes.

Absorbing formaldehyde from the air!
Little Knights paint actively helps to improve the quality of the air in your home. It contains a unique monomer that bonds with formaldehyde molecules on contact and transforms them into harmless vapour. It begins working as soon as the paint is applied and continues to work for as long as Little Knights paint is on your walls.

100% VOC-free, antibacterial, odourless paint for a healthy home
High-pigment, quick drying, and driven by science
Interior paint rangeExterior paint rangeFrom the Little Knights blog:

Why indoor air pollution is too important to ignore
The issue of ill-health caused by indoor air pollution has, until recently, been largely overshadowed by the attention focused on air pollution outdoors and the problem of industrial and transport emissions.
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What is formaldehyde?
According to the UK’s Health Protection Agency, the forerunner of today’s Public Health England, formaldehyde is a colourless, corrosive, flammable gas with a pungent, suffocating odour.
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Where is formaldehyde found in the home?
Formaldehyde is used in a wide range of products found around the home and has been proven to cause respiratory problems, irritation to eyes and skin, and in extreme cases has been shown to cause cancer.
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